
Mental Ability Test-3

   (First option is consider as your answer)

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1. The mirror image of the word WEATHER.

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2.Paper : Pen :: Blackboard : _______

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3. From the four alternative only one differs from the remaining three. Identify it.

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4. Choose the correct answer for the term marked by the symbol (?).
P3, ?, J9, G12, D15

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5. Choose from the given options, the correct Letter-Number pair to replace the (?) and to continue the series.

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6.A man starts from hos house and goes 5 km towards north and turns right and goes 5 km. Again he goes 5 km to his left and turns left and goes 15 km further. Now, in which direction is he from his house ?

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Option 3 is a Answer.

Write on the paper using the pen and also write on the blackboard using the chalk.
Aries, Aquarius and pisces are the Zodiac(astrology).
But Virus is a small infectious agent.
so virus is differ from any other in the option.

This sequence is created by alphabets with number.
Alphabets is goes through the backward direction that is decresed by 3 letters, 
and the Number is goes through the forward direction that is increased by 3 digit.
The Alphabets A to Z is represents by 1 to 26.
Example: A for "1"
         B for "2"
         Z for "26"
Answer is 2 for B. 


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